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Videos about building Pinball Machines

What's the next best thing to building a pinball machine? (Besides from playing pinball, talking about pinball, reading about pinball, or cleaning your garage?) Watching videos about making pinball!

FAST Pinball Tutorials

This Youtube playlist contains several different tutorials (created by us and members of the community) for FAST Pinball products. (You can see this playlist, and all of ours, via our YouTube channel at

PinDevCon 2023 Talks

The first PinDevCon was held in 2023, at the Northwest Pinball & Arcade show. It was an event for pinball makers, with 14 different talks focused on making pinball machines. This playlist contains recordings of all the talks from the event.

Other FAST Pinball Talks

We attend several of the major pinball conventions each year, where we typically give a talk which is recorded. This playlist has recordings of our latest talks and seminars.

Built on FAST

At FAST Pinball, we don't build pinball machines--we create hardware platforms that let people like you build pinball machines. This YouTube playlist shows off a few of the hundreds of different projects that have been built on FAST.

How To Make a Pinball Machine [The Pinball Room Series]

Steve from The Pinball Room has spent the past few years building a custom pinball machine while recording details videos of the process. These videos are phenominal! If you watch all these, you will definitely know what you're doing before you even start your project! Here's his "How to make a pinball machine" series on YouTube: