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AW: Write Audio Settings for Power Up Initialization

FAST Serial Protocol: Overview & First Steps

This documentation section is about the FAST Serial Protocol (FSP) commands, which are the low-level commands a host computer sends to a FAST board. Most FAST Pinball makers do not need to know about these details, since the pinball game framework (such as the Mission Pinball Framework) handles this communication for you.

If you're writing your own game framework, we have a series of programming guides. Also, be sure to read the overview of how FSP works and how to connect first.

Coming soon!

This section of the documentation is not yet complete and will be coming soon. However, if you need this now, and/or you want to share what documentation is most important to you, please post to the #docs channel in the FAST Pinball Slack community. Thanks!

This command writes the current audio settings of the FAST Audio Interface Board to non-volatile memory so the settings will stay persistent. This is really useful in systems where the player is allowed to adjust settings such as the headphone volume. On the next power up, these settings will be restored back to the last time they were saved.

Command Syntax

There are no options for this command. Simply send: AW:<CR>

The system will return a "P" for pass in the form of AW:P<CR>

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