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Using Mission Pinball Framework (MPF) with FAST hardware

FAST Pinball controllers have a simple USB virtual serial port interface which means you have many options for how you run your game code. Many FAST Pinball makers choose the Mission Pinball Framework (MPF) as the game software to drive their pinball machines. MPF is free and open source and created by a community of volunteers (and therefore not a "FAST Pinball" project).

You don't have to use MPF!

Even though many (most?) FAST Pinball makers use MPF, you don't have to! You can write your own game software in whatever language you want, running on any hardware you want. Arduino? Raspberry Pi? Windows? Linux? Mac? Java? Rust? .NET? C/C++? Unity? Godot? All good!! We even have a series of programming guides to help you! MPF is just one option of many options.

MPF + FAST Pinball Support Status Dashboard

FAST Product MPF 0.56 (stable) MPF 0.57 (dev)
Nano Controller ✅ ✅
Neuron Controller 🚫 ✅
Expansion Boards 🚫 ✅
LEDs on EXP Boards 🚫 ✅
LEDs on Nano ✅ ✅
Servos on EXP Boards 🚫 ✅
Retro Controllers ✅ ✅
FAST Audio Interface ✅ ✅
Segment Displays ✅ ✅

✅ Works! | 🚫 Not supported | 🔵 Not yet, but plans for yes

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